Thursday, January 3, 2008

Insert clever title here

You know, I have no freaking idea what day it is and my brain is functioning on low for some reason (thanks alot, brain). This whole holiday in the middle of the week has really screwed up my internal clock workings. I did manage to resist the urge to stay in bed until 10am today. Well actually it was 9:45 and my friend LL called and I was more interested in catching up with her than sleeping AND I went to bed early because I was still hungry after dinner so I figured sleep would take care of that (damn you, points!), SO I am currently showered and ready to embark on my journey today, which sounds way more exciting than saying that I'm going to Bed, Bath & Beyond to buy a micro-planer. We're also at def-con 4 as far as our toilet paper supply is concerned so I'll be swinging by Tarjay as well. What does this mean to you? Nothing. I just thought you might want to know in case you needed anything.

Have a great day.

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