Friday, January 11, 2008

How many points are in cheese dip?

Well today is my last official day on vacation. I know, I know, I too hear the tiny violin playing me the saddest song in the world. It's been REALLY nice having some extra vacation time to sleep in, I MEAN get stuff done. Yeah. I spent pretty much all day yesterday refinishing some stools and watching the entire first season of Project Runway. I swear, Bravo will show a marathon of any damn thing and I'll watch it. I had high hopes of getting 7 billion art projects done during my break but I only got 3 done. One of those was the gigantic painting that has been taunting me from the basement. I finally got it done to my liking and it's made its way upstairs. That this is freaking HUGE, I tell you. It barely made it up the stairs and there's no chance in hell that I can hang it by myself. I'm hoping to get my stool seats upholstered today as well as a painting that has been sitting there staring at me half-finished for weeks going "Hey lady, why don't you focus on something longer than 10 seconds and finish me for chrissake". I am so easily distracted (I'm talking to you Project Runway). Although, I'm spying at least 3 episodes of Little House on the Prairie in a row on my TV guide thing so I might be screwed.
I love me some half-pint.

Tonight is girl's night at my friend Liz's house. She has Rock Band, which is like Guitar Hero but with the WHOLE BAND so clearly we shall rock out tonight because we rule. We are also going to eat many foods that are decidedly not on my diet including vodka so I will have to pay for that at a later date. I'm excited because it's just us girls and we can act a fool and no one cares.

On the adoption front, I got a call from our new St. Louis-based social worker yesterday and she's super nice and I'm excited to meet her. It looks like we will start our home study visits in just a few weeks and then we will just have to wait for our referral! It's pretty exciting because there's SO much waiting around with this adoption stuff and there's no growing belly to use as a guide so these little bits and pieces are all we got.

Happy Friday.


Anonymous said...

Cheese dip has no points if you pretend it's celery.

Amy, Jeff and the kimchis said...

duly noted