Thursday, December 27, 2007

Making Resolutions Since 1974

Okay, I told myself that I would be better today and actually accomplish something but it's currently 12:54pm and I am still in my jammies. I did have several catch-up phone calls this morning so that took some time and I did manage to clean up the area around my computer but that's pretty much it. I have unfinished window treatments staring at me as well as a pile of laundry that I need a sherpa to scale but what am I doing about it? I'm doing nothing about it. I AM going to shower today since that didn't happen yesterday and I might venture out in public but I'm still on the fence. I still have another 2 weeks of vacation until I start back to school so I figure I can procrastinate anything important for another week or so.

I've decided that 2008 is going to be GREAT! and to make sure that happens, I have a list of things I need to do. Some people call these "resolutions" but I don't like to label. I also feel like if I tell someone, I might actually do it. Probably not so don't get all excited or anything, but a girl can try.

What I'm Doing In 2008 (IT'S GREAT!)

1. posting more pictures on this blog - jesus, it's boring! Why are you here?
2. lose 20 lbs. - I laugh just writing that one
3. be a better cake decorator - my new calling
4. be more organized/stop procrastinating - hmmmm...yeah, that's a longshot, too. Maybe next month.....
5. grow my hair long - takes no effort, might REALLY happen! YEAH!

Well, there's 5 for now. I'm sure there's about a billion more than I can list but what the hell, I'm one person dammit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your hair already is long! You just want to grow it longer because Jason's not here to cut your hair. I know how you are.