Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lost Recap

I forgot to recap Lost from last week. My Tivo is malfunctioning so I had to watch it over the weekend. Come on then.............

-Juliette's story. Hmm....I found it odd that we saw flashbacks for her and NOT a flash-forward. I wonder if she dies or just stays on the island. Her whole story was kind of boring (LM you were right). I had high hopes for some juicy info. We knew the whole thing with Goodwin but we didn't know he was such a naughty boy to cheat on his wife. Tsk, tsk. I guess don't mess with ol' Benny-boy, eh? That was pretty gross when he was all dead and she was touching his corpse face. Ick. I hope they have Dharma Brand Hand Sanitizer on that island. Ick. I think my whole issue with this episode was that it was just of a long way of foreshadowing a Ben/Juliette/Jack showdown. What was the point otherwise? Snooze.

-So, Ben has a man on the boat. We know that. But whoever this is it's big enough for him to tell Locke to sit down for it. I have two thoughts. It could be Michael or it could be Sayid. I don't want to think Sayid because that just opens up a whole other can of worms and there are too many worms crawling around as it is. The bummer is that he NEGLECTED to actually tell us who it is before the show ended. Boo. Interesting about Penny's father, no? So he knows about the island and wants to exploit it. I wonder if that means that because Penny found it now he knows. This could get really confusing. I hope my Desmond isn't the man on the boat, although with the whole connection to Penny and he father, it might be him.

- Did Daniel and the other chick really disarm the chemical warfare? That whole thing was confusing to me. Are they good or bad? Are there more active stations that we don't know about? Was the therapist chick REALLY there because Jack saw her but then poof. Did she jump to back to whatever time she came from? Also, what did the jungle say to Juliette? All I could hear was her name.

That's it. I think we get our 6th name next week so it had better be AWESOME.


Allie said...

I think I know who Ben's boat-person is. If I'm right, it's mind-blowing, so I'm thinking this week's episode will be excellent.

Amy, Jeff and the kimchis said...

ohh...I'm intrigued. Care to share?

Anonymous said...

Well, there are only so many pp we know on the boat, so if it's so big that one must sit down for it, I would think it has to be Desmond. But I'm sure that seemingly obvious assumption would therefore mean it's not going to be Des. Because that's how Lost is.

Allie said...

I realized right after I posted that you already mentioned Michael (I've been a little spacey lately), so I guess it's not that much of a shocker, but I'm 99% sure it's him.