Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day follies!

OKAY PEOPLE, it's go time. Va-va-va-VOTE! On my way in I saw a man on an overpass who had draped the entire thing in homemade Obama signs. I was so jazzed to see it that I honked. Of course the guy next to me in the Explorer thought I was honking at him because he is clearly self-centered and gave me the stink eye but I didn't care. The overpass man brought a tear to my eye. This is an exciting time people, and I'm not going to pretend that I don't want this to swing my way. I know the campaigning is old and I'm as sick of the political ads as the next guy but look, it's every four years and this is the only chance we have as a country to make our voices be heard. In light of that, here is my plea to you, my awesome reader(s):

I hope you vote for Obama. Why, you ask? Here's why. Barack Obama is a rad dude. He is intelligent, well-spoken, a great dad and husband, a community leader who works to help those who don't have a loud enough voice to get the help they need and, most importantly in my opinion, he's a symbol. He's a symbol of what many of us want this country to be. He's a symbol of what one person can accomplish regardless of race, gender or ethnicity. He is a symbol of the true melting pot that our country is and has always been celebrated as being. He has managed to swell the hearts of those of us who have looked at the state of our country with helpless anger and sadness. We have a war going on that we are never going to win. We have an economy that favors those with the most toys and pushes aside those of us who work hard to get by, not ahead. Will he raise taxes? Probably, but how can he not? How can someone chastise him for doing so and then go support a candidate who will continue to spend money every day on this war, dragging us further and further down the hole. He cares about things like better schools and quality, affordable health care, things that matter to us on a daily basis. He isn't asking us to go out and fend for ourselves and hope we don't get screwed. Many of those I hear complaining about his tax policy don't even make enough money to worry about it and they're basing their vote on a fantasy that probably won't come true, at least not anytime soon. In this country it has become more important to be rich than to be a good person. Success is now measured by McMansions, SUV's and flat screen TV's, not by how much you help your community or your fellow man or just by being a decent human being. Obama brings me the hope that people will start to understand that in order for us ALL to prosper and grow, we have to set aside the imperialist way we live and learn that yes, it's great to be successful but it's just as important to help others do the same. Do I say give them all your money? Hell no, but neither does he. He does advocate helping those who need a boost up the mountain, so that when they get there, they look back down and hold out their hand to help the next person trying to climb it. This is why our nation is great. We ARE a village and we need each other to grow. Obama is a symbol to many people that despite your circumstances, you CAN make a difference. You CAN have a voice. So I ask you, if you really do believe in hope, make your voice be heard.


Anonymous said...

I will Vote Hope, thank you very much. I am sick of watching the middle class disappear before my eyes. Despite the fact that I went to bed at 3am last night (don't ask), I popped right up this morning because I GET TO VOTE! Yay! And I am thankful that there is a smart, decent, honest man with vision to vote for. Hooray for us! Voting days are the few days in my life where I'm truly proud to be American. Just keepin' it real people. I'd really rather not have to leave the country now that I scored myself a fancy new job, so please people, save me the trouble! Thank you, and I approve of this message.

Amy, Jeff and the kimchis said...

LM....good for Missouri.

I'm Amy, and I approved this message.

Gwen said...

I made my voice heard this morning!

Amy, Jeff and the kimchis said...

Good for you Gwen! I can't say I know who you voted for but I hope it was for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Well you know who got my vote and after reading your blog if you had been on the ballot I would have voted for you. Let's just say if it does not go our way it will not be as easy getting up tomorrow morning as it was this morning. I am sure we will not have to worry though.

Anonymous said...
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Amy, Jeff and the kimchis said...

Hey anonymous, if you're going to come here and spout about things you know nothing of, like me, please grow a pair and use a name. And no, it's not his race but obviously that's why you didn't vote for him, right?

Allie said...

Totally catching up on your blog, so this is way after the fact, but YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I am still so freaking excited!