Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Max

So, today is Max's birthday. The big 2. I believe at 12:01am a flip switched and my sweet baby is now a mouthy toddler hellbent on world destruction. I keed. Not really. Anyway, since we're moving he's kinda getting the shaft on a party or cake this year. Maybe after we get moved. We did go to the train museum with Woowie (Louie) and Connie, so that made it a fun day. I took a picture today to see how much he's changed from last year. It's quite something.

Max, March 25, 2009

Max, March 25, 2010

He looks so grown up for 2, doesn't he? sigh. Just kidding! I love that he's getting older. Babies aren't all they're cracked up to be. I love hearing him talk (mostly) and he's got mad skills on the drums. He's a handful but he's MY handful and that's just fine with me. I love you my sweet baby!

On the house front, things are moving toward the end, we load the storage container tomorrow and we'll be out on Monday. Tonight is our last "normal" night in this house. Sheesh. It's been 10 years here and that's weird to think about. I'm sure I'll have some dumb melancholy post this weekend so get out your hanky.


Kait said...

Wow. He looks so grown up!

Good luck with the two year old thing. Mine is pretty fun and funny but hot damn is she ever feisty and opinionated! I kind of miss that whole baby who wanted nothing more than to snuggle me thing but the talking and the personality is so much more fun.

Happy birthday Max!

Amy, Jeff and the kimchis said...

Sadly Max was never a snuggly baby. He was a firecracker from the get go and never sat still long enough for snuggles. Even to this day we have to pin him down for kisses! I remember back to our first video of him when we met and he spent the entire time walking around and playing with stuff and just constantly MOVING. He never sat still for one moment. That should have been my tip off!

Gwen said...

Happy birthday, Max! You're getting so big!

Connie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!!!! I love playing with you and giving you lots of hugs. You are a super friend. I can't wait to help you mess up your new room soon. Love, Woowie