Monday, March 16, 2009

Walk the plank, matey!

So, it's been a little crazy here at Kimchi Central. Just when things get too boring, something comes along to shake it up. Last week was um, how shall I say, difficult. The kid is getting more and more comfortable with us, which is REALLY GOOD, but it also means he is feeling like he can test us and he did not disappoint. We learned temper tantrum, standing up in the cart at the grocery store, throwing everything he picks up, etc. By Friday, I was DONE and thankfully, his mood was much better over the weekend. We went to a fish fry Friday night, took him to lunch with Auntie Laura on Saturday and had brunch guests over on Sunday. There was a lot of fun and a lot of food and he was really good the whole time. For the most part anyway. He is also pretty much walking and we took video. He is so cute it makes me want to bite something.

Sorry the video is a bit shaky. As soon as he sees the camera, his primary goal becomes getting it in his grubby hands and then we can kiss it goodbye. Watching him walk is so cute because he's getting confident and he'll crack himself up while he's doing it. So funny. I can't believe it, but he will be a year old in just 10 days!! It's so weird to think that he's only been here for about 13 weeks because it seems like he's always been here. He's made such a remarkable adjustment in that short of time and I am SO EXCITED about his birthday. I have a kick-ass cake planned, we've got his Korean costume all ready and we're getting all the traditions together so we can do this the right way. It should be awesome.


Anonymous said...

Hey, What Fish Fry did you go to? We were working at Epiphany's but plan to go to the next one (when we can relax) we would love it if you all wanted to join us.


Amy, Jeff and the kimchis said...


We went to St. Jochim (sp?) & Ann in St. Charles. It's the BEST! We would love to join you guys. Just let us know.


Anonymous said...

I believe we will be going on April 3rd. I'll let you know closer to the date what time we plan on and hopefully you all can join us.

Allie said...

Wow! That's awesome! He's really cruising along!